Location: Shirbeen – al-Shaykh Attia Abu Hasan
al-Shaykh Attia Hasan Abdul Raziq, the Shafi’i took the Sufi path at the hands of al-Maraziqy. His lineage goes back to the Sayyid Ahmed al-Badawy. His Shaykh was al-Sayyid Muhammad Abu Mustafa (may God be pleased with him) and his tomb is located in the city of al-Zarraq in Damietta.
His ancestor and Shaykh from western North Africa came to settle in the Sinai of Egypt. Afterwards they moved to al-Sharqiya and finally their journey ended when they came to the town of al-Shaykh Sumeed where al-Shaykh Attia was born in 1880 CE.
He (may God be pleased with him) memorized the entire Noble Qur’an at a young age and took farming as his livelihood. He left his village to cultivate a wasteland which became known as “al-Khadrawiya” (the place of greenery). He and his family eventually moved there and by then he was known as “al-Shaykh Attia Abu Hasan.” He was an attraction for the young and old as well as both men and women. He took care of all people and taught them how to be noble in character and take up collective responsibilities. Eventually, he established a very intimate community on the basis of obedience to God and His Emissaryﷺ. The laymen found in him what they needed in order to fulfill the emptiness in their lives and therefore stayed close to him.
He passed away (may God be pleased with him) in the year 1943 CE.