Naja’ Al Sheikh Al Sharqawy, Farshut, Qena
He was born in the year 1296 AH to a father who was the gnostic, Abu Al Maarif Al Sheikh Ahmed bin Al Sharqawy. He called people to to God and he struggled in God’s cause by benefiting many with his God given knowledge. He was a cause for the egos of those around him to shed, the hearts to soften and for personalities to become refined. He revived many Sunnahs of the Prophet and eradicated many innovations. All this was possible by God’s signs, knowledge of His book, steadfastness on His way, patience, struggle, wisdom and insight.
The Sheikh was skilled in knowledge of the Quran, Sunnah, jurisprudence and Tassawwuf. He wished to reach God and learned from the contemporary scholars and pious people of the lands. His graceful presence was a Kaaba for the those aiming for God, and his assemblies of knowledge where rich in etiquette such that the people surrounding him became caring and loving comrades.
The Sheikh wrote many lines of fruitful poetry exhibiting his hope and pain toward his nation at the time. He also wrote about Al Madinah where he settled for a time and bought a home there that still exists to this day so that he would be a neighbor of the Prophet ﷺ.